Thursday, 1 March 2018

RootsTech 2018 a la YouTube!

The 2018 #NotAtRootsTech Survival Guide is getting way too long to scroll though, so I thought I would link to a new post containing all of the relevant videos about RootsTech I find posted to YouTube, Facebook and elsewhere.

Gathered and posted in no particular order. I think the YouTube videos listed create a pretty comprehensive collection. The Facebook Live broadcasts might be lacking. Please don't hesitate to email/comment with links to yours if I've missed!

[NOTE: If you followed me on Twitter at all throughout #NotAtRootsTech, you might be aware that I was sidelined unexpectedly by the insomnia plague. So, apologies for the delay in completion of this video collection! Hopefully, it is still enjoyable and that it comes in handy for more than just me. Ironically, I ended up really needing this!]

Go on, get watching!

In no particular order...

Phewf... that's a lot of watchin! You probably need a snack now, eh?

In no particular order...

Do you think, maybe, you should take a break now...? 

In no particular order...

In no particular order...

In no particular order... 

In no particular order...

What have I missed?

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